* denotes co-first authorship; † denotes corresponding authorship.
Wu, J., Chen, W., Guo, D., Ma, G., Wang, Z., He, Y., Zhong, F., Lu, B., Wang, Y., Cheung, T. H., Liu, Y.-H., “Robot-enabled Uterus Manipulator for Laparoscopic Hysterectomy with Soft RCM Constraints: Design, Control and Evaluation,” IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics (T-MRB), Jun. 2022. @Paper
Wang, Z., Lu, B., Gao, X., Jin, Y., Wang, Z., Cheung, T. H., Heng, P. A., Dou, Q., and Liu, Y.-H., “Unsupervised Feature Disentanglement for Video Retrieval in Minimally Invasive Surgery,” Medical Image Analysis (MedIA), vol. 75, p. 102296, Nov. 2021. @Paper
Li, D., Wang, Z., Zhou, J., and Liu, Y.-H., “Honeycomb Jamming: an Enabling Technology of Variable Stiffness Reconfiguration,” Soft Robotics (SORO), Mar. 2021. @Paper
He, K., Sui, C., Lyv, C., Wang, Z., and Liu, Y.-H., “3D Reconstruction of Objects with Occlusion and Surface Reflection Using a Dual Monocular Structured Light System,” Applied Optics (Appl. Opt.), vol. 59, no. 29, pp. 9259-9271, Oct. 2020. @Paper
Alambeigi, F.*, Wang, Z.*, Liu, Y.-H., Taylor, R. H., and Armand, M., “A Versatile Data-Driven Framework for Model-Independent Control of Continuum Manipulators Interacting with Obstructed Environments with Unknown Geometry and Stiffness,”, arXiv Preprint, 2020. @Paper
Wu, J., Wang, Z.†, Chen, W., Wang, Y., and Liu, Y.-H., “Design and Validation of A Novel Leaf Spring Based Variable Stiffness Joint with Reconfigurability,” IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (T-MECH), vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 2045-2053, Aug. 2020. @Paper
Sui, C., He, K., Lyu, C., Wang, Z.†, and Liu, Y.-H.†, “Active Stereo 3D Surface Reconstruction Using Multi-Step Matching,” IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (T-ASE), vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 2130-2144, May 2020. @Paper
Yip, H.M., Wang, Z., Navarro-Alarcon, D., Li, P., Cheung, T.H., Greiffenhagen, C., and Liu, Y.-H., “A Collaborative Robotic Uterine Positioning System for Laparoscopic Hysterectomy: Design and Experiments,” The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery (IJMRCAS), vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 1-15, e2103 Mar. 2020. @Paper
Sui, C., Wu, J., Ma, G., Wang, Z.†, and Liu, Y.-H.†, “A Real-Time 3D Laparoscopic Imaging System: Design, Method and Validation,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (T-BME), vol. 67, no. 9, 2683-2695, Sep. 2020. @Paper
Zhong, F., Wang, Z.†, Chen, W., Wang, Y., and Liu, Y.-H., “Hand-Eye Calibration of Surgical Instrument for Robotic Surgery Using Interactive Manipulation,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 1540-1547, Apr. 2020. @Paper
Zhong, F., Li, P.†, Shi, J., Wang, Z.†, Wu, J., Chan, J. Y. K., Leung, N., Leung, I., Tong, M. C. F., and Liu, Y.-H., “Foot-controlled Robot-Enabled EnDOscope Manipulator (FREEDOM) for Sinus Surgery: Design, Control and Evaluation,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (T-BME), vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 1530-1541, Jun. 2020. @Paper
Yang, B.*, Chen, W.*, Wang, Z.†, Mao, J., Lu, Y., Wang, H., and Liu, Y.-H., “Adaptive FOV Control of Laparoscopes with Programmable Composed Constraints,” IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics (T-MRB), vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 206-217, Oct. 2019. @Paper
Zhong, F., Wang, Y., Wang, Z.†, and Liu, Y.-H., “Dual-Arm Robotic Needle Insertion with Active Tissue Deformation for Autonomous Suturing,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 2669-2676, Apr. 2019. @Paper
Alambeigi, F., Wang, Z., Hegeman, R., Liu, Y.-H., and Armand, M., “Autonomous Data-Driven Manipulation of Unknown Anisotropic Deformable Tissues Using Unmodelled Continuum Manipulators,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 254-261, Apr. 2019. @Paper
Alambeigi, F.*, Wang, Z.*, Hegeman, R., Liu, Y.-H., and Armand, M., “A Robust Data-Driven Approach for Online Learning and Manipulation of Unmodeled 3-D Heterogeneous Compliant Objects,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 4140-4147, Oct. 2018. @Paper
Alambeigi, F.*, Wang, Z.*, Liu, Y.-H., Taylor, R. H., and Armand, M., “Toward Semi-Autonomous Cryoablation of Kidney Tumors via Model-Independent Deformable Tissue Manipulation Technique,” Annals of Biomedical Engineering (ABME), vol. 46, no. 10, pp. 1650-1662, Oct. 2018. @Paper
Wang, Z., Liu, Z., Ma, Q., Cheng, A., Liu, Y.-H., Kim, S., Deguet, A., Reiter, A., Kazanzides, P., and Taylor, R.H., “Vision-Based Calibration of Dual RCM-Based Robot Arms in Human-Robot Collaborative Minimally Invasive Surgery,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 672-679, Apr. 2018. @Paper
Wang, Z., Lee, S. C., Zhong, F., Navarro-Alarcon, D., Liu, Y.-H., Deguet, A., Kazanzides, P. and Taylor, R. H., “Image-Based Trajectory Tracking Control of 4-DOF Laparoscopic Instruments Using A Rotation Distinguishing Marker,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 1586-1592, Mar. 2017. @Paper
Navarro-Alarcon, D., Yip, H. M., Wang, Z., Liu, Y.-H., Zhong, F., Zhang, T. and Li, P., “Automatic 3-D Manipulation of Soft Objects by Robotic Arms with An Adaptive Deformation Model,” IEEE Transactions on Robotics (T-RO), vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 429 - 441, Apr. 2016. @Paper
Wang, Z., Yip, H. M., Navarro-Alarcon, D., Li, P., Liu, Y.-H., Sun, D., Wang, H., and Cheung, T. H., “Design of A Novel Compliant Safe Robot Joint with Multiple Working States,” IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (T-MECH), vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 1193-1198, Apr. 2016. @Paper
Zhong, F., Wang, Z.†, Chen, W., Wang, Y., and Liu, Y.-H., “Hand-Eye Calibration of Surgical Instrument for Robotic Surgery Using Interactive Manipulation,” IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation (ICRA), presented, 2020. @Paper
Sui, C., He, K., Wang, Z.†, Lyu, C., Guo, H., and Liu, Y.-H., “A Spatial-Temporal Multiplexing Method for Dense 3D Surface Reconstruction of Moving Objects,” IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 2602-2608, 2020. @Paper
Li, X., Wang, Z., and Liu, Y.-H., “Sequential Robotic Manipulation for Active Shape Control of Deformable Linear Objects,” IEEE Int. Conf. Real-time Computing and Robotics (RCAR), pp. 840-845, 2019. @Paper
Zhong, F., Wang, Y., Wang, Z.†, and Liu, Y.-H., “Dual-Arm Robotic Needle Insertion with Active Tissue Deformation for Autonomous Suturing,” IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), presented, 2019. @Paper
Sui, C., He, K., Lyu, C., Wang, Z.†, and Liu, Y.-H., “3D Surface Reconstruction Using A Two-Step Stereo Matching Method Assisted with Five Projected Patterns,” IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 6080-6086, 2019. @Paper
Li, D., Wang, Z.†, Ouyang, B., and Liu, Y.-H., “A Reconfigurable Variable Stiffness Manipulator by A Sliding Layer Mechanism,” IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 3976-3982, 2019. @Paper
Qian, L., Deguet, A., Wang, Z., Liu, Y.-H., and Kazanzides, P., “Augmented Reality Assisted Instrument Insertion and Tool Manipulation for The First Assistant in Robotic Surgery,” IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 5173-5179, 2019. @Paper
Alambeigi, F., Wang, Z., Hegeman, R., Liu, Y.-H., and Armand, M., “Autonomous Data-Driven Manipulation of Unknown Anisotropic Deformable Tissues Using Unmodelled Continuum Manipulators,” IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation (ICRA), presented, 2019. @Paper
Alambeigi, F.*, Wang, Z.*, Hegeman, R., Liu, Y.-H., and Armand, M., “A Robust Data-Driven Approach for Online Learning and Manipulation of Unmodeled 3-D Heterogeneous Compliant Objects,” IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), presented, 2018. @Paper
Wang, Z., Li, X., Navarro-Alarcon, D., and Liu, Y.-H., “A Unified Controller for Region-Reaching and Deforming of Soft Objects,” IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp. 472-478, 2018. @Paper
Sui, C., Wang, Z.†, and Liu, Y.-H., “A 3D Laparoscopic Imaging System Based on Stereo-photogrammetry with Random Patterns,” IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp. 1276-1282, 2018. @Paper
Wang, Z., Liu, Z., Ma, Q., Cheng, A., Liu, Y.-H., Kim, S., Deguet, A., Reiter, A., Kazanzides, P., and Taylor, R. H., “Vision-Based Calibration of Dual RCM-based Robot Arms in Human-Robot Collaborative Minimally Invasive Surgery,” IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), presented, 2017. @Paper
Alambeigi, F.*, Wang, Z.*, Liu, Y.-H., Armand, M., and Taylor, R. H., “Smart Autonomous Unknown Deformable Object Manipulation Using the da Vinci Research Kit: from Soft Tissues to Continuum Robots Manipulation,” Hamlyn Symposium Surgical Robot Challenge, 2017. Best Innovation Prize
Zhong, F., Navarro-Alarcon, D., Wang, Z., Liu, Y.-H., Zhang, T., and Yip, H. M., “Adaptive 3D Pose Computation of Suturing Needle Using Constraints from Static Monocular Image Feedback,” IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp. 5521-5526, 2016. @Paper
Navarro-Alarcon, D., Wang, Z., Yip, H. M., Liu, Y.-H., Zhong, F., and Zhang, T., “Robust Image-Based Computation of the 3D Position of RCM Instruments and Its Application to Image-guided Manipulation,” IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 4115–4121, 2016. @Paper
Yip, H. M., Wang, Z., Navarro-Alarcon, D., Li, P., and Liu, Y.-H., “A New Robotic Uterine Positioner for Laparoscopic Hysterectomy with Passive Safety Mechanisms: Design and Experiments,” IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp. 3188–3194, 2015. @Paper
Navarro-Alarcon, D., Yip, H. M., Wang, Z., Liu, Y.-H., Lin, W., Li, P., “Adaptive Image-Based Positioning of RCM Mechanisms Using Angle and Distance Features,” IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp. 5403–5409, 2015. @Paper
Lin, W., Navarro-Alarcon, D., Li, P., Wang, Z., Yip, H. M., Liu, Y.-H., “Modeling, Design and Control of An Endoscope Manipulator for FESS,” IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp. 811–816, 2015. @Paper
Wang, Z., Li, P., Navarro-Alarcon, D., Yip, H. M., Liu, Y.-H., Lin, W., and Li, L., “Design and Control of A Novel Multi-State Compliant Safe Joint for Robotic Surgery,” IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 1023-1028, 2015. @Paper
Navarro-Alarcon, D., Wang, Z., Yip, H. M., Liu, Y.-H., Li, P., and Lin, W., “A Method to Regulate the Torque of Flexible-Joint Manipulators with Velocity Control Inputs,” IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), pp. 2437–2442, 2014. @Paper
Yip, H. M., Li, P., Navarro-Alarcon, D., Wang, Z., and Liu, Y.-H., “A New Circular-Guided Remote Center of Motion Mechanism for Assistive Surgical Robots,” IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), pp. 217–222, 2014. @Paper
Liu, Y.-H., Tong, C.-H., Zhong, F., Wang, Z., and Yip, H.-M., “Endoscope Manipulator and Method for Controlling the Same,” US Patent App. 16/533,866, 2019. @Patent
Sui, C, Liu, Y.-H., and Wang, Z., “Systems and Methods for 3D Laparoscopic Surface Reconstruction,” US Patent App. 16/260,546 2019. @Patent
Li, P., Wang, Z., and Liu, Y.-H., “Compliant Safe Joint and Manufacturing Method Thereof,” US Patent 10,208,806, 2016. @Patent